Get Started in the Stock Market Game with these 10 Easy Steps

stock market game

The stock market can seem overwhelming to beginners, so we have compiled a short guide to help you get started in our How The Market Works market game.

1. REGISTER FOR OUR FREE STOCK GAME–Register for our Free Stock Market Game.

2. FIND OUT WHAT JIM CRAMER of CNBC SAYS–Cramer may not always be right, but he certainly has lots of experience and lots of opinions about stocks. Register for FREE newsletters (see Free Newsletter link in lower right column).

3. SIGN UP FOR OTHER SOURCES OF STOCK MARKET NEWS AND OPINIONS–Here is a list of free trial offers that we have put together from a variety of stock market news and opinion sources. Click the ones you want and type in your email address when prompted.

4. Study some of our Frequently Asked Questions.

5. Read a good stock market book.

6. Register for our online Investing 101 Course that is structured just like a college Investments Course with 10 chapters, exercises and even quizzes at the end of each chapter to make sure you are learning the materials. This Investing 101 course if also full of personal trading stories from the author describing his wins and losses in the stock market. This Investing 101 online course is normally $99 but you can use a HTMW promotion code of INVEST20 and get this $99 course for only $79.

7. READ THESE 12 BEGINNER ARTICLES–Here’s our favorite articles in our own HowTheMarketWorks Education Center.

8. Research some stocks using websites and newspapers. See what stocks to buy.

9. Buy stock in one or more companies that meet your criteria on your HowTheMarketWorks virtual trading account.

10. Monitor your stocks and market conditions for the best time to sell on our online trading game.

Keep in mind that most beginners lose some money the first few times they trade stocks. There is a learning curve involved, so hang in there. It is often said that you should trade using money that you can afford to lose. That helps to avoid bad decisions based on emotions. This is a game in stock.

If you want to try trading options and futures, visit our stock, options and futures trading game!

Click Here to see all Beginner Stock Trading Articles