Meet the Dogs No question about it, investing is a dog-eat-dog world. Traders are constantly developing and revising strategies in order to make the most money in the stock market. Throughout time many strategies have come and gone, few sustaining any significant longevity. However, over the past decades, Michael O’Higgins’ strategy coined “Dogs of the Read More…

How To Pick Stocks – The Basics The most challenging aspect of starting to invest in the stock market is deciding what stocks to buy. Every experienced investor has his/her own techniques and strategies that they believe in. But when you are just getting started, learning how to pick stocks can be very challenging.   Read More…

An investing strategy is a plan for how to save money to help it grow. Sometimes this can be just a plan for trading stocks, but it really means a lot more. Liquidity, Risk, and Potential Returns All investments balance liquidity (how easily it can be converted into cash for other use), risk (the chance Read More…

Definition A Stop (or stop loss) order and limit order are orders that try to execute (meaning become a market order) when a certain price threshold is reached. Limit and stop orders are mirrors of each other; they have the same mechanics, but have opposite triggers. When creating a limit or stop order, you will select Read More…

An investment strategy is the set of rules and behaviors that you can adopt to reach your financial and investing goals. Choosing an investing strategy can be a daunting task when you are starting to learn about investments and finance. Here we will look at the larger overall strategies rather than very specific strategies. Given Read More…

Stock prices are a direct result of supply and demand. All the other influences like debt, balance sheets, earnings and so on affect the desirability of owning (or selling) a stock.

Stock market prices are affected by business fundamentals, company and world events, human psychology, and much more.

Real-life and virtual trading hours for our site (all times Eastern).
Note: Stock Market trading is Monday-Friday, except on holidays.

An investor’s instructions to a broker or brokerage firm to purchase or sell a security. Orders are typically placed over the phone or online. Orders fall into different available types which allow investors to place restrictions on their orders affecting the price and time at which the order can be executed.

If I’ve learned anything in my decades of trading, I’ve learned that the simple methods work best. Those who need to rely upon complex stochastics, linear weighted moving averages, smoothing techniques, Fibonacci numbers etc., usually find that they have so many things rolling around in their heads that they cannot make a rational decision. One technique says buy; another says sell. Another says sit tight while another says add to the trade. It sounds like a cliche, but simple methods work best.