
Let’s say you are looking to purchase a new car. The next step would be to start your research and gather a list of cars that you would be interested in. How would you compile all the available information and retain the essential things that meets your criteria? The answer would be to use a search engine and filter the results. For example, you would filter for cars by make, that are manual, lower than 90 000 miles, leather seats, etc. Eventually, you would end up with a short list of cars that are exactly what you need and lead the decision-making process to a lot easier task.

The same idea can be applied in trading. As an example, there is a lot of U.S. listed stocks where individually reviewing each stock can be painful and exhausting. Luckily for us traders, we have screeners at our disposition. A screener is a software that filters financial securities based on specific criteria requirements established by the user. There are many screeners available on the market, where some of them also include their own reviews of the security.