Upgrade to PersonalFinanceLab: Improve Your Learning

HowTheMarketWorks is an awesome free stock game, built specifically for schools. Between our easy set-up of custom contests, Assignments and lessons, and live-streaming rankings, why are so many teachers upgrading their class to PersonalFinanceLab?

Reason 1: Huge Curriculum Expansion

HowTheMarketWork’s Assignments tool lets teachers add in a few basic Personal Finance and Economics lessons from our Education Center, which end with a pop quiz. Students need to get all the questions right to get credit, which is a basic way to see students are completing their assigned work.

But on PersonalFinanceLab, this is supercharged to a whole new level:

  • Over 300, standards-aligned lessons for Personal Finance, Economics, Business, and Investing classes (see how we align to standards)
  • Student progress is tracked in real-time, including grades on every quiz
  • Fully exportable progress and grade reports for every class
  • Queue up assignments for students to start as soon as they finish one section (see how it works)
  • …And teachers can even give bonuses to student’s portfolios when the complete their assignments on time!

Our library is fully online, perfect for distance/blended learning, or even homework!

Reason 2: Awesome New Budgeting Game!

The stock market and investments is usually a small part of any Personal Finance class, which is why PFinLab’s new Budgeting Game is the most important new anchor for your class!

Our fully-customizable budgeting game starts your class off as college students with a part-time job, or fresh graduates just starting their full time job (you can even combine the two and capture the real-world transition, right in the game!). Students need to continually set and achieve savings goals, build up their Emergency Funds, manage their credit card to build their Credit Score, all while maintaining a high Quality of Life!

Reason 3: Massively Expanded Stock Game

PersonalFinanceLab’s stock game has everything you know and love about HTMW, but so much more! Further customize your class with:

  • Over 30 international exchanges
  • Bonds, Options, and Commodity trading
  • Built-in research tools, right on the trading page
  • Fully exportable reports, for both students and teachers
  • New types of rankings, adjusted for risk and broken down by week
  • More built-in charts and comparison tools
  • …and a fully-gamified learning experience, as students earn badges while progressing through the stock game, budget game, and curriculum (click here to learn more)!

Reason 4: Dozens of Customizable Teacher Reports

Because HTMW is an open site to the public, there are limited reports that appeal to everyone. However, on PersonalFinanceLab, there are dozens of new and exciting reports for your class’s stock game, budget game, and assignments!

You can easily track:

  • Every student’s trades and trading notes, fully exportable for a single student or your entire class
  • Post announcements and messages to your class, including images and videos
  • Awesome Diversification reports, showing student breakdowns by asset type (stocks, mutual funds, cash, ect) and Industry of the stocks held
  • Historical reports, letting you wind back time and see your class status on any day of the competition
  • Activity reports showing how students interact with their portfolios over time
  • Registration file reports that let you change student usernames, reset passwords, and more
  • …and even your own custom reports, with our easy-to-use report builder to pull up just the information you need, when you need it!

Reason 5: No Ads and Enhanced Privacy

Student data privacy is more important than ever. At HTMW, we actively take steps to minimize (or eliminate) the personal information collected from students, but some districts have very strict policies about ads, which we use to keep the lights on.

This is why it is more important that our PersonalFinanceLab site is completely ad-free, with several registration methods available to teachers based on the level of information students are allowed to enter into the system, with teachers fully in control.

PersonalFinanceLab starts at just $10 a student, with bulk discounts available for multiple classes. Registration is open now for the Fall, we’re looking forward to working with your classes soon!