Investing101 is now included with HowTheMarketWorks!

We have a big update to our assignments system for schools!

Our HTMW stock game has always paired well with investing courses – we even partnered in the past with Investing101, one of the best investing courses by CNBC, to give free access to schools in years past.

But for Fall 2023, we are excited to announce that teachers can assign all 10 chapters of Investing101 to their students, directly in HTMW!

How It Works

When teachers create a class contest on HTMW, they have the option to include an Assignment – articles, videos, and tutorials to help students build their first porfolio.

Now when creating an Assignment, teachers can also assign any chapter of the Investing101 course too! Students stay on HTMW – no separate login is required. Student progress is logged as “complete” when they work through the entire chapter.

What is included with Investing101?

Investing101 is a 10-chapter investing course. Each chapter has (on average) 10 mini-lessons on a particular topic of investing to help get students familiar with investing in the real world. The chapters include:

  1. Introduction to Investing – introduces students to the concept of investing, and introduces different security types (like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and gold)
  2. How The Stock Market Works – discusses different stock exchanges and how buyers and sellers make exchanges
  3. Making Your First Trade – introduces the basic tools needed to choose your first stock, including different approaches by famous investors (like Warren Buffet).
  4. Building Your $100,000 Portfolio – once a student has their first stock, this chapter discusses how to continue to build a diversified portfolio
  5. Now That I Own It, What Do I Do? – this chapter discusses goal setting, and how to know when it is time to sell
  6. Fundamental Analysis – An introduction to financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statements), and what to do with the data once you can find it
  7. Technical Analysis – Looking at chart patterns, and understanding what it means for predicting price movements
  8. Current Hot Topics in Trading – Covers recent investing trends, like “short squeeze”, crypto trading, and more
  9. Introduction to Options – What are options, and some basic option strategies
  10. Investor’s Guide to Success – A final review, including proven sage investing advice

Getting More Out Of Investing101

All of the course content of Investing101 is now available free on HTMW, but you can get more out of it with our premium, ad-free site at PersonalFinanceLab includes the course itself, plus end-of-chapter graded vocabulary quizzes and chapter summary exams, in addition to hundreds of other standards-aligned lessons on Personal Finance and Economics topics. You can learn more at

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