has made great looking financial charts made easy. We have the tools, educational information, expert opinions, and support you need to make more money in the market. Just remember that while anyone can use our free tools, only subscribers have access to our most powerful features

A Word from the President

Financial charts can help you make some extremely profitable investing decisions. They can also lead you astray quite easily. In 1999, I founded to help online investors obtain and use financial information more effectively. Since then we’ve constantly improved our site and our service. Our Web site gives you access to some of the most powerful tools for technical analysis available anywhere AND we give you common sense advice and examples of how to use them effectively.

You can sample most of our charting services free of charge by clicking on the “Free Charts” tab above. Our interactive charts give you the same analytical power found in software packages costing $500 or more. Newsletter subscribers typically pay $100+ per year for the advice and commentary we provide free of charge. And don’t forget the data. (It’s criminal how much that stuff costs!) Real-time market info can cost you another $500+ per year. So, just by visiting our Web site, you are already way ahead of the game.

In October of 2002, we were thrilled when author John Murphy, probably the most recognized name in the field of technical analysis, joined our team. The integration of John’s market commentary and technical expertise with our charting tools gives our users access to the best online financial analysis on the Web.

In 2003, we launched our on-line Technical Analysis bookstore with the aim of helping our users learn even more about investing with charts. Each month, we put at least one book on sale for the lowest price anywhere – even if it means selling that book at a loss. Because of that policy, our monthly bookstore specials and bundles are extremely popular.

Too good to be true? We don’t think so. Here’s a page with some of the compliments and awards we’ve received through the years. If you ever have feedback for us (good or bad), feel free to drop us a line using our online support form (for fastest service) or contact me personally at (but I may not get back to you as fast). Here’s the rest of our contact information: