Market Hours for Stocks and Mutual Funds

Real-life and the virtual trading hours on HowTheMarketWorks are the same.

The US and Canadian Markets open at 9:30 AM ET (GMT-6:00) and close at 4:00 PM ET. Monday to Friday, with exceptions on National Holidays.

Market Hours for Mutual Funds:

Mutual Funds orders remain open until the market closes at 4:00 pm ET and execute anywhere between 5:00 and 6:30 pm in general. The price can vary between when you placed your order and therefore the total quantity of shares you receive will likely be different from the estimation when you placed your order. If you did not place your order before the 4:00 pm close of the current day, it will execute at the next day’s available market close.

Can I trade in the Pre- and After-Markets?

We do not offer pre and after markets as they do not have a stated volume, after-market and pre-market trading is usually done by very large institutional investors, or “off exchange” by one investor directy to another; since these trading periods are not available to the typical investors we exclude them for the sake of realism.

!!! Note: All trades execute at near Real-Time price but in the open positions the prices are 15-20 minutes delayed.