Investing in the stock market is not easy. With over 10,000 stocks in the U.S. markets, it is impossible to research all of them to find the proverbial “needle in the haystack.” So we, as investors, need to turn to other resources to help us find the best stocks to invest in. With all the Read More…

Is it worthwhile to use Robinhood for your stock and crypto investments instead of one of the many other investing apps out there? Given that Robinhood has over 23,000,000 users, it must be doing something right. At HowTheMarketWorks, we provide our members with unbiased reviews of investing apps and tools. We do that by using Read More…

*** MOTLEY FOOL STOCK ADVISOR RESULTS UPDATED AS OF May 4, 2024 *** Investing in the stock market is an essential part of growing your wealth and preparing for retirement. While building a stock portfolio should absolutely be part of everyone’s long-term financial planning strategy, most people struggle with it or ignore it altogether. Just Read More…

***Motley Fool Stock Advisor Performance Updated as of November 9, 2024*** Does the Motley Fool’s Stock Advisor newsletter provide good stock recommendations and is it worth the price? At HowTheMarketWorks, one of the services we provide our users is that we subscribe to dozens of stock advisory services and we buy all of the recommended Read More…